A man named Sunil Dixit has been arrested for allegedly assaulting his ex-wife, Mamata Goud, with acid, causing 50% burn ...
However, you'll likely end up with an unsightly mess, some ruined siding, and possibly a few acid burns. The first supplies ...
Miss Miriam Frances Bloomer of Cincinnati, who is said to have been once the fiancee of Nicholas Longworth, to-day admitted the mysterious burning of her face and body with some powerful acid in ...
This allows stomach acid to escape, which causes an uncomfortable burning in your throat or chest. This sensation is known as heartburn, indigestion, or acid reflux. 1. Change Your Eating Habits ...
Kota: A man has been arrested for allegedly holding his ex-wife hostage in their house and attacking her with acid causing 50 ...
Jessica Hardy found herself so desperate to erase her ex’s name from her arm after meeting her new boyfriend, Ryan, she tried to burn it off with acid after watching a clip on YouTube.
Resham Khan was left with burns on her face, arms, legs and shoulder after having acid thrown at her The latest acid attacks in north-east London on Thursday, which saw five people being sprayed ...
A 32-year-old woman in Meerut suffered severe acid burns due to dowry demands and for giving birth to a girl. Her in-laws attacked her twice with acid, leaving her critically injured. Despite ...
Atsede Nguse/Menbere Aklilu Ms Atsede suffered major acid burns to her entire face, chest, hands and one of her legs When they learned what had happened, friends and well-wishers raised money to ...
BURNS or scalds of relatively small areas of the body frequently have a fatal ending, especially in children, so that any method of treatment which will reduce this mortality requires careful ...
The attack left Dedeh with acid burns on some 45 percent of her body, including to her face, back and arms. It also wounded Dedeh's two sons, 18-year-old Safif Alfian and 11-year-old Angga Juliana ...