The Willandra Lakes precinct in NSW’s far southwest was one of the first World Heritage areas to be proclaimed in Australia, ...
As a part of a television broadcast, world travelers Hal and Halla Linker toured the Afghan countryside in 1973, years before the Soviets invaded and the Taliban took control of the Buddhist site ...
The destruction of the Buddhist images in Bamiyan seem to have been one of the main triggers. Buddhist monks demanded that the ancient Hantha Mosque in Taungoo be destroyed in retaliation for the ...
But having been attracted to the new Buddhist doctrine while they were in NW India, they, after their shift, sculpted imposing images of the Buddha in standing position in the Bamiyan Region in ...
which prohibits the destruction of agricultural areas, crops, or other objects that are indispensable to the survival of civilians. Among the towns in western Bamiyan that sustained extensive ...
The Taliban on Monday announced that they have detained two British citizens, a Chinese-American, and their Afghan translator in the central province of Bamiyan. The arrest of the group was ...
Il témoigne également de la tragique destruction des deux bouddhas debout par les taliban ... Het cultuurlandschap en de archeologische overblijfselen van de Bamiyan vallei laten artistieke en ...
In 2001, the Taliban destroyed the Buddhas of Bamiyan in central Afghanistan using dynamite, anti-aircraft guns, and artillery. After weeks of incremental destruction, nothing of the statues remained.