RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Mountain Pine Beetles damaged hundreds of thousands of acres of forest in the Black Hills over a 20 ...
A $5 million program to help private landowners in the Black Hills manage their forest lands and prevent wildfires is on hold ...
There is a such thing as old growth forest in South Dakota, and just how old this forest is will blow your mind.
President Trump has signed an executive order to increase timber sales in National Forests. While the answer as to what that ...
The Black Hills Forest Service suggests you bring a map that you can keep handy, they suggest the app Avenza (link for the Apple app, and link for the Android app) which allows for free use of any ...
(Some of the area in which Rushmore stands was eventually purchased by the state of South Dakota and developed as Custer State Park; the rest was part of the Black Hills National Forest.) ...
A wildfire burning in the southern Black Hills has grown to 150 acres. The so-called Green Acres Fire was first reported early Saturday afternoon three miles ...
Wyoming needs to kick its timber cutting into high gear or risk another catastrophic wildfire season, foresters told the ...