For nearly a century, the head of a Buddha statue has been kept in the collections of the National Museum of Cambodia. Its ...
Torso of Buddha statue unearthed at Ta Prohm Temple, Cambodia. TA PROHM, CAMBODIA—Archaeologists discovered the torso of a ...
While excavating the Ta Prohm temple in Angkor in 1927, a team of archaeologists discovered the head (and only the head) of a ...
Today, the statue in the New Jersey Buddhist Vihara and Meditation Center has become a hub for interfaith efforts and a ...
A long-lost Buddha statue is being reassembled at Angkor after a recent torso discovery in an archaeological breakthrough.
The pieces of a disarticulated statue of Buddha have been reunited nearly a century after the first piece was found at the Ta ...
"Among the discoveries was a Buddha statue represented in the Bayon style, which was missing its head, feet, and right hand," Simon said ... Follow on Twitter and Facebook to ...
and when it was scanned and compared to the body of the Buddha, they realized the pieces fit together, despite being discovered 98 years apart. The statue has jewelry and has its hand placed in a ...