In the recent Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae , the Holy Father John Paul II once more urged Christian families to pray ... the mysteries of our redemption in this Year of the Rosary ...
Knowing that the prayers and mysteries of the rosary come from ... because he says he is a Catholic or speaks at a Catholic event. Rosary-packing Catholics recognize the sound of truth and vote ...
Rosary beads close ... by Buddhists and Roman Catholic Christians. are an aid to worship that focus on a set order of prayers. The Annunciation. Fruit of the Mystery: Humility.
The Sorrowful Mysteries are a series of five events in the Passion of Christ that are meditated upon in the Rosary. These mysteries are traditionally prayed on Tuesdays, Fridays, and ...
Kenyan Catholic believers gathered at ... The bishops included instructions on how to pray the Rosary, including a list of the various mysteries associated with it. At the Mass for the Jubilee ...
As of Monday, March 10, the evening Rosary prayer for Pope Francis' health will be held earlier inside the Paul VI Hall to ...