Leiner and her colleagues published a paper proposing that the most recently evolved parts of the cerebellum contributed to higher-level mental functions, thus enabling “mental dexterity” in addition ...
A team of researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the French National Centre for Scientific ...
The cerebellum is a fist-size structure tucked below the cerebral cortex—the part of the brain that we typically attribute to ... emotion, and other functions. Although the cerebellum appears small ...
the cerebellum contains nearly 80% of the brain's neurons. "A longstanding assumption about cerebellar function has been that it only controls how we move. However, we now know that there are ...
including the cerebellum and brain stem. These also fulfill critical functions. Running through parts of the brain are a dozen pairs of cranial nerves, which link the brain directly to muscles and ...
Recent findings suggest that memories are stored in the body, not just the brain. Does that mean our "self" is too?
Murayama’s team is continuing to explore network function in the healthy brain ... Miyawaki’s lab has been focusing on another brain region, the cerebellum, which coordinates physical movement.
Walking backward fundamentally disrupts the brain’s deeply ingrained movement patterns. From early childhood, humans develop ...
Humans are known to rapidly adapt their mental processes and behavior based on feedback they receive from the world around ...
Maintaining cognitive health as we age is a growing concern, with researchers continuously exploring factors that influence ...
Researchers reveal how prenatal and early-childhood stress alters brain function, highlighting new treatment possibilities ...