The entire Fingerprint Set belongs to Roundtable Knight Vyke (Lord Contender's Evergaol), a boss you'll find in Mountaintops of the Giants. It's easy to get there if you travel from the entrance ...
The Fingerprint Grape is a Key Item introduced in Elden Ring. Eyeball of the knight Vyke, inflamed yellow. Seared with a repulsive fingerprint burn akin to those that marred his entire body.
Fire Monk Set in Elden Ring is distinguished from the rest in its category due to its damage negation stats as they are very well balanced for this particular armor set. Moreover, you also get an ...
The Beast Champion Set is amongst the very best heavy armor sets in the Elden Ring. The reason is that it grants you incentives like high poise and resistance. Moreover, it also boosts the overall ...
If you're planning on fully completing the Elden Ring, then you'll need to ensure these bosses meet their ends too. Even when you set aside the main bosses and those tied to Achievements ...