Explore theoretical, laboratory and field-oriented aspects of geology Gain hands-on education in the Rocky Mountains Complement your undergraduate studies with a minor We offer students many ...
Neely, T.G., and Erslev, E.A., in press, The interplay of fold mechanisms and basement weaknesses at the transition between Laramide basement-involved arches, north ...
laboratory and field-oriented aspects of geology Gain hands-on education in the Rocky Mountains Be prepared to meet the needs of our 21st-century society by applying your knowledge and skills in a ...
Situated within the Rocky Mountains, our Department provides students with diverse opportunities for field studies. For example, the widespread Precambrian rocks and complexity of local structural ...
A summer course in geology, in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, is of fered this year under the leadership of Mr. C. H. White, of the Mining Department, who conducted a party of students through ...