About 1.5 million Kentuckians rely on drinking water from private wells or public water systems drawing from groundwater.
In a nutshell A new USGS study estimates that 71-95 million Americans rely on groundwater containing detectable levels of ...
Groundwater is stored underground in aquifers, which act as natural reservoirs that supply wells and freshwater springs.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has launched new online tools for water and land-use planning, groundwater management and resource development. Key tools include: —Water Withdrawal Facility ...
The Guam Waterworks Authority doesn't want accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, to be built on unsewered properties above the ...
Environmentalists say Senate Bill 89 still guts pollution protections for streams and many drinking water supplies.
After years of drought, Provo has been trying to figure out how to make sure their water supply is stable—and this week, they ...
WRD plans groundwater mapping in north Tamil Nadu to understand aquifer potential, recharge, and manage over-exploited zones.
GIDDINGS, Texas (KBTX) - The fight to protect Central Texas and rural water will be the focus of a meeting in Giddings on ...