The view was acquired on Sept. 14, 2017 at 19:59 UTC (spacecraft event time). The view was taken in visible light using the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera at a distance of 394,000 miles (634,000 ...
At 5 am ET on Wednesday, NASA will fly its $3.26 billion Cassini spacecraft where no spacecraft has flown before — in the deepest region of Saturn's rings between the planet and its inner-most ring.
What the Huygens probe revealed — a hazy, frigid, dusky-orange world — and what the ethereal painting promised could not be more different. Released from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft ...
An curved arrow pointing right. NASA's Cassini spacecraft is on a daredevil mission that is taking it closer to the planet Saturn than it has been in over a decade. In December, the spacecraft ...
a large-scale international science collaboration underway since the late 1980s and culminating in the launch and operation of the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft in the Saturn system. Our project, ...
Twenty years ago, a rocket launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida on a billion mile trek to Saturn. The photos the probe took revealed some astonishing things about Saturn, its rings and moons.
That spacecraft -- named the Huygens probe -- was sent from Earth by the European Space Agency along with the Cassini spacecraft to help humanity learn more about Saturn and its 53 known moons.