The week began with welcome sunshine, although stiff winds and bitter cold hampered harnessing much of it directly. A whirlwind of a weekend weather wise left little chance to enjoy the outdoors ...
With the demise of the wolverine (Gulo luscus Linnaeus) in the Adirondacks in the late 1700’s or early 1800’s, the river otter became the region’s largest member of the weasel family. Adults weigh 5.4 ...
ESCANABA — Otters on ice are a recipe for fun. Like a mixed drink in a glass tumbler with warm spirits, bubbling fizz, smooth flavor and clinking ice cubes… otter time is chilling time. Otter’s flow ...
A river otter was spotted in Spokane’s Riverfront Park, delighting a local photographer who captured the playful moment in a series of photos.
North American river otter pups have been born at the Seneca Park Zoo for the first time in its 132-year history. The three ...