On Thursday, the college hosted a Business and IT Career Fair, featuring several employers from both fields. Attendees had ...
LA CROSSE, Wis. (WXOW) - Western Technical College held their first "Western Care Community Clothing Event' on Thursday. The ...
L A CROSSE, Wis. (WLAX/WEUX) – Wisconsin State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly visited students and staff at Western Technical College and La Crosse Central High School to explore career and ...
LA CROSSE (WKBT) — How old were you when you decided on a career? Area 8th graders are getting a jump start thanks to La Crosse’s Western Technical College. Western invited 1,400 8th graders ...
Along with the clothing event, Western also hosting an e-waste event to collect older electronics to recycle. Event organizers say around 20,000 pounds of e-waste was collected last year.