Conservative commentator Michael Knowles is the host of "The Michael Knowles Show" on The Daily Wire, and he joins us now. Welcome to the "News Hour." Thanks for being here. MICHAEL KNOWLES ...
including the youngest of those taken captive, as the tenuous ceasefire holds. Plus, conservative Michael Knowles on presidential power and democracy in Trump's second term.
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): He's restricted. They're not letting the Republican nominee for president speak about the political persecution that they are inflicting on him in the heat of the campaign ...
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Doctors are proceeding with illegal IVF sales in Alabama. You remember, I mentioned on the show yesterday, it was a wonderful story out of Alabama. The Alabama Supreme ...
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): Ordinarily — I can't even believe I'm using the word ordinary to describe this — ordinarily, when a man wants to completely destroy his body chemistry and pretend to be ...
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): This is Proud Boys met by a group, I think called Patriot Front. It's hard to tell exactly who these people are because they wear masks over their faces. And this is a ...
MICHAEL KNOWLES (HOST): The inevitable logical conclusion of the pride movement was we're going to go into your kids kindergarten and we're gonna teach them wild ideologies about sex and gender ...
Conservative commentator Michael Knowles is the host of "The Michael Knowles Show" on The Daily Wire, and he joins us now. Welcome to the "News Hour." Thanks for being here. Michael Knowles ...