What everyone remembers is the first debate, where the telegenic Kennedy won the image battle over Nixon who, recovering from the flu, appeared pale and refused make-up. The first general election ...
(CNN Student News)-- Historical Background: Presidential debates are a product of the television era. In 1960, Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy met in the first general election presidential ...
Richard Nixon The 1960 debate was the first televised presidential ... had recently been sick and also refused to wear makeup. As a result, Kennedy "looked and sounded good on television, while ...
His makeup ran under the hot studio lights ... Television viewers, however, overwhelmingly agreed that Kennedy had won. By their next debate, Nixon had solved his appearance problems, but the ...
in contrast to his opponent John F Kennedy. Radio listeners thought Nixon had won the debate based on his responses, but his ...
Kennedy. That hurt Nixon’s image enough to cost him the election. I wonder if the June 27 debate will also be remembered in a similar vein. All too predictably, the Republican candidate Donald ...