A new license plate supporting Oregon State University's Big Fish Lab brings attention to Oregon's coastal sharks.
with two blue sharks on the left and a common thresher shark on the right. The shark plate is the most recent in a series of specialty license plates benefiting Oregon State . They include the bee ...
A new proposed shark license plate hopes to bring attention to Oregon’s coastal sharks. Oregon State University is selling ...
(KATU) — Oregonians can now show their love for sharks with a brand-new license ... Ocean" plate. It features three shark species commonly found in Oregon, the salmon shark, blue shark and ...
Vouchers are now on sale for a new specialty Oregon license plate that researchers hope will inspire people to think differently about the sharks living just off the Oregon coast.
(KOIN) — A new proposed license plate supporting Oregon ... salmon shark front and center with two blue sharks and a common thresher shark. These Oregon campsites are ranked among the ‘prettie ...