The other surprise was finding electrons this energetic in the inner radiation belt at all. Measurements from NASA's Van Allen Probes mission prompted renewed interest in the inner radiation belt.
Van Allen Space Environments Medal. He currently is lead investigator on several NASA space missions including NASA Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission and the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes ...
Baker is the lead investigator on NASA missions including the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission, the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (Van Allen Probes) mission, and the Interstellar Mapping and ...
Van Allen, J. A., paper presented at joint meeting of National Academy of Sciences and American Physical Society on May 1, 1958. Van Allen, J. A., Ludwig, G. H., Ray ...
The noises were detected by NASA's Van Allen Probes twin spacecraft, which were much closer to the Earth's radiation belts than the new detection. When NASA launched its Magnetospheric Multiscale ...