Vladimir Ilich Lenin (1870-1924 ... up the colonial world in accordance with their relative strengths.'' To Lenin, imperialism is another portion of the capitalist epoch of history that the ...
What colonialism and imperialism have in common is their determination to subjugate and dominate a group of people and, by extension, their country and national identity. Although terms such as ...
It turns out that Vladimir Lenin and REM were right. Francis Fukuyama was wrong. In 1921, during the Soviet Union’s New Economic Policy period, Lenin is supposed to have exclaimed that “The ...
As Washington scales down its US defense commitment to Europe, many of the continent’s leaders are talking of making the EU a military superpower. It’s an unrealistic prospect, but it risks becoming ...
The legacy of Vladimir Lenin, one of the most prominent and influential figures in the history of the labour movement and revolutionary praxis, remain valid 150 years after his birth, writes Julian ...