James Harrison, who was credited with saving 2.4 million babies through blood plasma donations over six decades, has died at ...
World Blood Donor Day was observed on Friday to raise awareness about the need of safe blood and blood products to save lives. This year, the World Blood Donor Day theme is 20 years of celebrating ...
Harrison, whose plasma contained a rare antibody, rolled up his sleeve 1,173 times from 1954 to 2018. The Australian is credited with helping 2.4 million babies and advancing scientific research.
James Harrison's plasma contained a rare antibody that was used to save the lives of millions of babies in Australia.
By donating blood over 1,100 times, James Harrison helped develop Anti-D, a life-saving treatment for newborns at risk of ...
In a world which is ... after which he received blood transfusions at the age of 14. The incident left him with a great deal ...
Grateful for the donations and inspired by his blood ... world,” Lifeblood CEO Stephen Cornelissen said in a statement. “He leaves behind an incredible legacy, and it was his hope that one day ...
A man credited with saving 2.4 million babies through his record-breaking blood plasma donations over 60 years, has died. He ...
The disease is most common when a woman has an Rh negative blood ... world,” Cornelissen said in a statement. “It was James’ belief that his donations were no more important than any other ...
The disease is most common when a woman has an Rh negative blood ... world," Cornelissen said in a statement."It was James' belief that his donations were no more important than any other donors ...