Swedish owner says its new E-class vessels have an improved hullform, hybrid propulsion and will provide enhanced comfort on ...
Russia’s proposal to MEPC 82 suggests revising the International Bulk Chemical (IBC) Code to simplify ballast water discharge ...
Drewry Maritime Research senior maritime research, Pratiksha Negi, takes a look at the long-term growth in demand for FSRUs ...
OSV operators emphasised the significance of enhanced connectivity, cyber security and the potential of AI-driven advanced ...
Furetank, a family owned shipping company, has announced a leadership transition, with Björn Stignor stepping into the role ...
The ship sizes included in the report’s case studies are 1,100-TEU container feeder ships in the Western Mediterranean, ...
With a combined installed capacity of 344 MW, Vesterhav Syd has a capacity of 168 MW and Vesterhav Nord 176 MW ...
Valuation Analyst Oliver Kirkham takes a look at historical data on vessel efficiency, pulled from the VesselsValue platform, ...
Latest updates from combined EU forces on the stricken tanker Sounion show a military escort surrounding the vessel under tow ...
Mercuria has been notably active in fleet expansion this year. In addition to the MR tankers, the trading group has been ...
Sources in the shipbuilding sector note Greek interest in the Petrobras tender comes at a time of reduced newbuilding ...
Once operational, it will boost Drydocks World’s heavy-lifting capability, allowing it to meet the growing demand of ...