Gerry Georgatos – In 2014, I disaggregated to the Kimberley’s First Nations peoples, the nation’s highest suicide rate, one of the world’s highest, at over 70 suicides per 100,000 population (First ...
Al Jazeera’s 101 East – As the Black Lives Matter movement spreads across the globe, we investigate Australia’s Indigenous incarceration crisis. Across Australia, Indigenous people are ...
For a long time I have wondered about Stan Grant and his recent profile in respect of Indigenous issues and matters of race. My feeling was (and it appears that of a number of friends of mine) that ...
The more west we journey across the nation the higher the arrest rates, the higher the jailing rates. In the last two decades Australia’s prison population has doubled. The national prison population ...
Australia is facing homelessness and poverty levels the likes it has never known and nor is prepared to admit. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) there are 110,000 homeless ...
Last Friday marked seven years since the Prime Ministerial Apology to the Stolen Generations – 1903 to 1970 – but child removals, the tearing apart and decimation of families, are today worse than ...
I stood there, in my underwear. They were pale blue, with small flowers on them. I remember it very clearly – mostly because there were four men in the room who I had never met before. They were ...
Nine months after the death of her beloved Peter, 37-year-old Rhoda took her life. Her remaining three sons deluged with more grief, unimaginable harrow. Rhoda’s life had been riddled with stressors, ...
Four Arrows (Wahinkpe Topa), aka Don Trent Jacobs, has doctorates in health psychology and in curriculum. Former Dean of Education at Oglala Lakota College and a tenured professor at Northern Arizona ...
Last week the South Australian parliament moved one step closer to amending their Constitution to include Aboriginal peoples and recognise them as having occupied Australia prior to colonialism.
From 2008 to 2012, and even thereafter, Indonesian children were jailed in Australian adult prisons. They were cooks and deckhands on boats providing passage to asylum seeks who had languished in ...