Why Muslims Need to Act on Mass Incarceration, Detention, and Deportation aleed: I recently attended a workshop in a Pennsylvania prison where I was taken aback to hear more than a half-dozen salaams ...
“Aleppo is one of the most dangerous cities in the world,” Hassan Saied tells me over Skype. His voice is calm but weighed down by war and his sense of responsibility to the children of Syria. Since ...
Observers who warn against increasing levels of radical, far-right activism in the U.S. and Canada are often met with a retort of “it’s just a few crazy people.” In other words, “It’s clearly just a ...
My family was the second Muslim family to move to Victoria, Texas. Initially there was no masjid and we would pray at each other’s houses. As more families came into the area, we started renting a ...
Imagine an American Mosque in 50 years. The year is 2064. Technology, Architecture, Politics, Social Life, the place of American-Muslims in society, the woman’s prayer space movement, the unmosqued ...
A day after taking his oath at the Texas Capitol in January, freshman Texas state Representative Kyle Biedermann mailed out a “survey” to Muslim leaders in Texas that was, in effect, an oath of ...
The prices of the CfD scheme are funded by a statutory levy on all UK-based licensed electricity suppliers (known because the ‘Supplier Obligation’), which is passed on to customers. Contracts for ...
President Donald Trump issued an executive order Friday blocking legal visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries — Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Sudan — from entering the United ...
I didn’t think so. When I say I’m terrified of Trump, I don’t only mean I strongly disagree with his proposed policies, or what I can understand of them. (What does “we should bomb their oil and take ...