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Hiske Arts, campaign lead at Fossil Free NL, is the Alumnus of the Year 2024. She fights greenwashing and challenges the financial systems fuelling the climate emergency.
Today we celebrated the 389th Dies Natalis of Utrecht University.
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Predicting patient outcomes—such as life expectancy and quality of life—can help doctors and patients make better treatment decisions.
What is Henk Kummeling most proud of looking at his seven years as Rector Magnificus of Utrecht University? And what did he feel was the most challenging? Together with his successor, Wilco Hazeleger, ...
Trouw publishes the ‘Sustainable 100’. A good reason to have a chat with alumnus Keelin O' Connor about the Rights of Nature Foundation.
Conflict, war, and the ternination of USAID: international development has come under pressure. What is the importance and future of the field?
PhD Defense: From Organoids to Bioprinting; Advancing the Building Blocks of Breast Tissue Engineering ...
Jansen and his team aim to bridge the gap between fundamental ecological research and practical challenges in nature conservation and restoration.
Gorillas may have greater self-awareness than scientists previously thought. A new study finds that gorillas perform just as well as chimpanzees in tests that require awareness of their own bodies.
Emeritus Professor of University History Leen Dorsman describes something you must know about Utrecht University’s long history. This time: the rector magnificus.
In her PhD research, Anouk Neerincx investigated how robots can help reduce stress, how they can get children to talk about their health and how they can teach children emotional skills.