Tuesday’s state Supreme Court race in Wisconsin has drawn record sums of money and will be an early test of which party is more energized.
A race for an open seat on Wisconsin's top court will be an early test of the Trump administration's popularity in a ...
The order, which is likely to face swift challenges, includes requiring documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote.
A legal battle over a Congressional map is now in the hands of the Supreme Court with Justices hearing oral arguments on ...
Home-rule authority is a power that leaders in the conservative suburban county hope to wield as a defensive weapon against ...
Louisiana's redistricting faces legal challenges over racial gerrymandering claims, with courts caught between activist ...
Victoria will benefit from an additional $14.45 billion during the next four years as Treasurer Jim Chalmers seeks to ease ...
September 4, 2019 - The Federal Trade Commission announces that Google has agreed to pay a record $170 million penalty to settle accusations that YouTube broke the law when it knowingly tracked and ...
“Fair maps, abortion, voting rights,” is Lang’s list. “It’s not a seat we can afford to lose because if Republicans and ...
One of the most significant issues facing Salem voters in the May election — the livability levy to support the city's parks, ...
Jeffries' comments one week before the April 1 election echo allegations opponents of liberal candidate Susan Crawford have ...
A Duke University professor spoke at the Memorial Union Tuesday about the impact of gerrymandering on fairness and ...