"Alien: Earth" is a new TV prequel to the "Alien" franchise. It starts when a spaceship crashes on Earth with a xenomorph on ...
A new teaser that FX dropped for Alien: Earth shows planet Earth will serve as the show’s setting. In the teaser, a Xenomorph ...
Ridley Scott's interest in science fiction began by reading the novels of HG Wells as a child. Read on for more.
Michael Fassbender is open to appearing in a sequel to Alien: Covenant. The 47-year-old actor starred in director Ridley ...
Jan. 27 (UPI) -- FX has released a new teaser for the Alien: Earth series. In the clip, titled "Destination," viewers see the ...
The first look teaser and poster for the upcoming series set in the Alien franchise has dropped and it gives us our first ...
Earth promises to finally do the one thing that even Ridley Scott's prequel Prometheus could never quite pull off.
As the teaser unfolded, it showed the alien trying to escape the containment aboard a spacecraft bound for Eart. As the creature prowls through the ship’s dark corridors amid flickering red lights, an ...
Horror games tend to be a hit or miss; while some games can keep you up for days, others are pure slogfests. This is why ...
The first-ever series based on the Alien universe is hitting this summer, in the form of Noah Hawley’s Alien: Earth on FX and ...
Big hair, big music, and the biggest action movies to ever grace the screen dominated pop culture. These '80s action movies ...