The year: 1861. The problem: Pro-slavery states had broken away from the Union, rising up in armed revolt as the treasonous ...
Abraham Lincoln wanted peace, for the war to end. He expressed his desire to "bind up the nation's wounds" in his second ...
Their answer? The myth of the Lost Cause. In this final episode of our series on the Confederacy, Don catches up with Ty Seidule to find out where this myth came from, and what it really is.
Such phrases, she said, perpetuate the Lost Cause narrative, a historically inaccurate ideology that heralded the Confederacy and downplayed slavery's role in the Civil War. Eisterhold said that ...
Whether that ultimately ends in a civil war remains to be seen." Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor: "I believe it is my job to make the best choice for the country to minimize the ...
Lutzweiler will discuss two seemingly unrelated topics: “The Primary Cause of the American Civil War: Looking Beyond Slavery” and “The Yellow Rose of Texas: Who Was She ... and Was She A Tar ...
Waters said Trump’s recent changes to the government are an attempt to consolidate power and rile up Democrats ...
There was a different twist on history during the March 6 First Thursday History Presentation at the Jamestown Public Library. Jamestown resident Jim Lutzweiler critiqued the book “The Demon of ...
They are also interested in the correlation between the trauma caused by the war ... American history,” Jensen said. The same census records could conceivably help researchers estimate Civil ...