It's now been four years since Zack Snyder's Justice League premiered on HBO Max. With a sequel no closer to becoming a ...
Dark fantasies are a popular subgenre of movies, but forgotten classics like Dragonslayer and Excaliber need more attention.
Batman has at least one new Batsuit for each Arkhamverse game, though one from a prequel entry's story-related DLC is ...
The wait for a Japanese Assassin's Creed has been worth it. AC Shadows is up there as one of the best games in this storied ...
Registration is the first step in seeking international protection with UNHCR. Registration involves recording your personal bio-data, travel route, reason for seeking asylum as well as capturing your ...
He came after serving half of a 25-year life sentence for murder and terrorism in Albania. His asylum claim was rejected by a judge at the First Tier immigration tribunal. But a separate claim ...
There's high scores to beat, abilities to unlock, and more secrets than you can shake a dismembered arm at. "Resident Evil 2 elevates the grandeur of the original game into a masterful modern ...
The South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR) empowers immigrants through high-quality legal education, representation, and connections to services. ProBAR serves immigrants in the ...
In Archero 2, you will eventually want to know which gears, abilities, and characters to go after. Since everything plays an important part, and upgrading the right heroes and gear is very important, ...