Herbert Allan Aponso, a true legend, the doyen of Paediatrics / Child Health, Professor Emeritus celebrated his 100th ...
A COMPARISON OF BUDDHIST AND WESTERN PHILOSOPHY’ Prof. Asoka Amaratunga is well known to the readers of The Island by his ...
A momentous discovery was made by a group of farmers in the Shaanxi province, China, on 29 March 1974. Yang Zhifa, his five ...
Nalanda contributed to the development and evolution of two major Mahayana Buddhist philosophies — Madhyamaka and Yogacara, Abhay K writes in his book, 'Nalanda: How it Changed the World'. Excerpts: ...
Contrary to popular Western beliefs about Buddhist meditation, it is not viewed as a secular practice. Thai Buddhists believe that meditation is a meritorious activity, helping them not only to ...