From lemon-flavored cheesecake to peanut butter coffee, these Girl Scout cookie-inspired treats are available this month.
The Girl Scouts of the United States, an organization that has captured the hearts of Americans for more than a century, is ...
(with French toast flavors) and Caramel deLites (also called Samoas) cookies will be on the menu soon. Girl Scout cookie milkshakes are also being served at Burger 25: vanilla with Toast-Yay!
A new report found traces of toxic heavy metals and herbicide in Girl Scout cookies. Do you need to avoid them?
A former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration says it is vital to invest in ensuring infant formula and breast milk banks are inspected rigorously. Ben & Jerry's is taking aim at its ...
The college also claims to be the home of a popular ice cream flavor. As you step ... say they invented the vanilla and cookie delight. SDSU has produced commercial ice cream here since 1910. Legend ...