Episode Heresy holds incredible potential for Titans, and here are some of the best Exotic Armors that they can wear to maximize their fun.
Destiny 2 has many good builds for Hunters, from Prismatic to single elements, but one of them is still missing a huge ...
Destiny 2 Heresy Act 2 is set to begin very soon ... there will also be snazzy new armor for each of the three classes Titan, Warlock, and Hunter. They look absolutely gorgeous, and you will ...
Bungie has turned a Destiny 2 bug that mistakenly made class-locked ... a Warlock or a Hunter spawning a mini-bubble or seeing a Titan running like a ninja. After some discussions between team ...
Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games here Destiny 2 Episode Heresy Act 2 has only just begun, and Act 3 is scheduled to start at the ...
Heresyhas finally launched the second of their three part story, as Act II: Court Of Blades, and the Guardian Games, are out ...
Every Episode of Destiny 2 brings new Artifact mods, balance changes, and exotics that shake up the meta; here's what to run ...
The Destiny 2 Guardian Games event comes only once a year and allows every Guardian to showcase their skill. The primary aim in this event is to make one Class reign supreme while farming for ...
Destiny 2 players recently discovered a bug introduced ... Destiny’s three classes all have distinct archetypes: the Titan is defensive and tanky, the Hunter is an agile, stealthy sniper ...
There have been a lot of funny bugs and problems in Destiny 2 over the years, and a fan favorite has returned to the game in the Guardian Games Rushdown mode. Jimmy, Aspect of Placeholding ...