ASHLAND — The Ohio Channel highlighted Ashland County’s 95 year-old courthouse recently as part of an online video series.
The bar association has determined ideal legal coverage is one lawyer for every 700 residents. In Coshocton County, the ratio ...
Ajmeri Hoque, a local defense attorney, is running unopposed for Franklin County Municipal Court. She would be the first Muslim judge in Ohio.
An increase in immigration enforcement at the Franklin County courthouse has prompted the ... or deemed necessary to perform their duties. The Ohio Revised Code already bars civil arrest ...
"While those accused of a crime have a constitutional right to counsel, the legal needs of Ohioans extend far beyond criminal ...
Ajmeri Hoque is the first Muslim to be a candidate for judge in Franklin County, Ohio. Hoque ... not a lot of people who look like me in the courthouse." Hoque unsuccessfully ran for Dublin ...
The bar association has determined ideal legal coverage is one lawyer for every 700 residents. In Muskingum County, the ratio ...
Once renovations are completed at the 1969 courthouse, Medina Municipal Court will move operations into the building and ...
The old courthouse and detention center have been empty since 2011. Razing them will eliminate blight and make way for ...
Portage County Probate/Juvenile Judge Patricia Smith was appointed to the Supreme Court of Ohio Advisory Committee on ...
Across the state, Ohioans are holding demonstrations around Republican district offices and local federal buildings during ...