RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - South Dakota is known for its great faces and great places. Each week, KOTA Territory features a ...
Judges ruled that the Office of Personnel Management lacked the legal authority to fire employees of other departments and agencies.
Planning a camping trip to the Black Hills that includes a visit to the famous Mount Rushmore monument in South Dakota?
Come the first week of August, this small South Dakota town of 6,900 was to be overrun ... Over the years, Hell's Angels have gunned down Outlaws in Custer State Park. Sons of Silence members ...
After consultation with the WMFPD Fire Chief and a thorough review of current fire danger conditions Thursday, Sheriff and Fire Warden Rich Smith implemented Stage I Fire Restrictions for Custer ...
62 earthquakes have happened in South Dakota since records began back in 1872, the strongest of which was in 1911 south of ...
RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Two burglary suspects were arrested following a standoff with law enforcement officers Saturday ...
Two Rapid City men are in custody after they allegedly burgled storage units near Custer and refused law enforcement commands.
The Gallatin County Commission weighed in Tuesday on the fate of U.S. Forest Service employees, denouncing recent layoffs and voicing support for a better-staffed Custer Gallatin National Forest.
A court ruled that the Office of Personnel Management lacked the legal authority to fire employees of other departments and agencies. The court ordered the agencies to reinstate fired employees.