open image in gallery Hegseth has the words ‘Deus Vult’ which means ‘God Wills It’ tattooed on his bicep, which has been criticized by some as a white nationalist dog whistle. The phrase ...
"Deus Vult" is a Latin phrase meaning "God Wills It," and was a rallying cry for Christian crusaders in the Middle Ages. The Associated Press reported that the tattoo previously resulted in ...
That goes for his tattoos too. On one bicep is Deus Vult, “God wills it,” a motto embraced by some white-nationalist groups (which is why he was removed from duty after January 6). His defense ...
Pete Hegseth, the Cabinet secretary with control of the U.S. military, has a big tattoo across his right bicep in a Gothic font spelling Deus Vult — the Latin term for “God wills it” — a ...
Hegseth bears a prominent tattoo proclaiming “Deus Vult,” (“God Wills It”), the Latin phrase attributed to the 11th century pope who called the First Crusade. That launched two centuries ...
This position was not a new idea but one rooted in church history. The early church upheld the same principle, and even the Crusaders popularized the phrase Deus vult or “God wills it,” affirming the ...
Pete Hegseth, Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, has tattooed on his arm the Latin words for “God wills it,” which is what the Pope told the Crusaders to help motivate them.
FRANKIE Naicker, who celebrates his 101st birthday today, shares his secrets to longevity, love for family, and passion for reading. “My birthday wish is for God to spare my life. I want to live ...