Scottish Government decisions to deprioritise frontline police during the vaccine rollout were branded ‘perverse’ and a ...
He said the force "refused" to log the rate of usage, and the risks were "exacerbated" by using the same mask throughout a shift. Mr Steele said: "The issue of FFP3 masks is probably the best ...
Mr Steele said: “The issue of FFP3 masks is probably the best example of the police service knowing it has a health and safety obligation and then ignoring it. We were largely dealing with ...
Police officers may have acted as “super-spreaders” in the pandemic as expert advice was “ignored” by the Scottish Government and the ex-chief constable of Police Scotland, an inquiry heard.
Use of air masks: N95 or FFP2/FFP3 masks are highly effective, filtering out over 90 percent of particulate matter 2.5. Wearing masks minimises inhalation of irritants like pollen, dust ...
But they turned-up mask free and refused to put one on. I couldn’t believe it! We had brand new unopened FFP3 masks in stock, but they refused to take them saying they hadn’t been fit tested ...