As befits this time of year, a wide variety of weather (80 degrees to snow) and a wide variety of fish (lakefront coho, river ...
You are new to fly fishing, you don't have much experience fighting fish, and now you have the biggest fish you've ever ...
Tim Schaeffer, executive of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, shared his 2024 fiscal report with the House Game and ...
Fishing in the cold at night on the Columbia River may not sound like a good idea, but this fisherman is so glad he didn’t ...
Two bass fishing experts share insights on how anglers can catch bass in most parts of. Here's what you need to know.
The traffic on the lakes is way down from a month ago, and there are signs that mud season is right around the corner. Grand ...
Changing weather fronts moving through the region have created a challenge for the few anglers who are getting out there and ...
After using the Garmin Striker 4 for four years, the author shares his thoughts on how it performs and who it's best for.
Perch to Go!  The Devils Lake ice fishing season has wrapped for the author as he heads back to the Missouri River for spring ...
BELLEVIEW, Fla. (WCJB) - Children in North Central Florida have a chance to reel in some fish, but spots are limited. The spaces are filling up for Belleview’s annual youth fishing derby. It’s ...
Cold Creek, a 5-mile, meandering run of clear water that starts from holes in the ground and flushes into Sandusky Bay within ...
A Pennsylvania fishing license is required ... Anglers should wet their hands before holding a fish and the fish should be held horizontally for photos. “You want to try to keep the fish ...