Benjamin Franklin once said, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” That moment has already arrived ...
Najib Aqa Faheem, a water expert, said Kabul residents lacked access to a potable water source, leading them to dig deep and ...
This World Water Day, we explore India’s vast surface water network, which supports agriculture, drinking water supply, and ...
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, one of the Biden administration’s signature policy achievements, set aside $4.7 billion to plug orphaned wells, which can leak methane — a powerful ...
When changing climatic conditions, increasing heat waves and other extreme weather events have challenged the availability of fresh water, experts advocate going beyond the conventional for futuristic ...
As the blackened river water tumbles from the 800-yard-long Okhla barrage, connecting Delhi to Noida, its churning leads to ...
In a grassy clearing on a mountainside of towering blue pines, more than 8,000 feet above sea level, orange and yellow ...
As Earth continues to warm, more and more of the planet is becoming dry. A 2024 UN report found that in the last three ...
The Manitoba government expects new designs of a long-promised flood prevention project will be completed later this year ...
In Maharashtra’s parched landscapes, former IRS officer Ujjwal Kumar Chavan initiated a transformative water conservation ...
Sri Lanka was known as a hydraulic civilization where villages and communities were built around water sources. ..
Before the Bonu oil fields sprang up with the oil exploration activities by the Shell Petroleum Company, Ogoni was a peaceful ...