By the time Joanna Rogers got to give testimony at the Capitol on a bill that could one day help enshrine the right to a ...
International travelers already appear to be pulling back on travel to the U.S., including from the United States' top source ...
Nearly two decades after the Legislature gave the Hawaiʻi education department a way to raise money from housing construction ...
GEORGE F. LEE / GLEE @STARADVERTISER.COM “Kuhio Kakou ” rally participants lined Beretania Street on Tuesday in support of a bill intended to provide $600 million to build homestead lots for state ...
Dozens of Native Hawaiians rallied today at the state capitol for more money to build Hawaiian homes and clear a waitlist of ...
Big donations of the vintage instruments enrich the stateʻs Hawaiian Music Archives. Soon, you may be able to check them out.
Hawaiʻi has agreed to open its prisons and jails for inspection by two national experts who will assess the state’s troubled ...
Rep. Chris Todd counts “at least” 14 out of 51 — are juggling long days and often long nights this legislative session while ...
State officials are in for a healthy raise over the next six years after a state Commission on Salaries’ recommendation to ...
A four-year controversy that has shaken South Dakota’s Republican political establishment culminated Tuesday in the Legislature ... dioxide pipelines. The state Senate voted 23-12 to approve ...
The spirited Republican who represents East Honolulu says recent health setbacks, including a pneumonia diagnosis, led him to ...
HILO (HawaiiNewsNow) - The Hawaii Fire Department welcomed four new ambulances Monday to replace aging ones. County leaders held a blessing Monday at the county building in Hilo.