The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
That incarnation lasted until 1983, when Amtrak took over the operation. For a decade, Union Station hosted only Amtrak’s ...
State Rep. Ellen Troxclair filed HB 3879, which would prevent local governments from using taxpayer money to repay future ...
To me, Atlanta has long been the invisible city. Like anyone who flies with regularity (as I used to do pre-Covid), I’ve ...
The big buzz and bigger controversy around Texas during the past several years has been a proposal by a company called Texas ...
The George R. Brown Convention Center (GRB), a 1.1 million-square-foot behemoth opened in 1987 on the eastern edge of ...
My New York City friend visited Houston and went to her very first rodeo. Here's what happened next — and what she helped me ...
While the Dartmouth ferry service, chartered in 1752, was the city’s first transit service, the earliest example of mass ...
“ (This) upgrade marks the closing of a great cycle for the Greek economy and certifies the country’s return to European ...