Biodiversity refers to the richness and variety within and between plant and animal species, and within ecosystems. This diversity is declining faster than at any time in human history. Five years ...
As living beings, humans are part of biodiversity and part of the ecosystems we live in, and human physical, social, and cultural wellbeing are dependent on biodiversity. Yet, human impacts are ...
Beyond its intrinsic value, biodiversity is necessary to human survival. Ecosystem diversity is crucial to ecosystem integrity, which in turn enables our life support, giving us a livable climate, ...
Biodiversity is the planet’s full range of life forms. Humans are only one species among millions and biodiversity benefits humans and other species alike. Experts discuss why we need biodiversity.
Recovered grasslands need more than 75 years of continuous management to regain their biodiversity because specialized ...
The lush landscapes of Ukraine, with their rich tapestry of flora and fauna, are not just a testament to nature’s beauty but ...
The World Bank’s study highlights the urgent need for reliable biodiversity data to drive conservation efforts, especially in conflict zones and transboundary ecosystems. It argues that biodiversity ...
Governments gathered to tackle global biodiversity losses that are unprecedented in human history, driven by the ways people have transformed the world. The seismic geopolitical changes of recent ...
The Index shows how local terrestrial biodiversity responds to human pressures such as land use change and intensification. Biodiversity indicators such as the BII are essential tools for ...
Biodiversity refers to the richness and variety within and between plant and animal species, and within ecosystems. This diversity is declining faster than at any time in human history.