Typical property tax bill increased 78% on a Cook County residence since 2007. Median property values only rose 7.3%. That ...
High-income households (earning $500,000 or more annually) represent a small elite segment of Illinois residents, yet they ...
Illinois's housing market experienced significant swings from 2018 through 2023. After steady but modest growth in the late ...
The report defines “middle class” as an annual income two-thirds to double the median income and outlined middle class ...
A Cook County treasurer's office analysis shows voter turnout on tax-related referendums is highest in areas that are ...
Homeowners facing ballooning property taxes aren't pleased. But the revenue is crucial for schools and other local government ...
For one thing, the range between the upper and lower boundary middle-classness is fairly large. In every U.S. state, the upper limit exceeds $100,000. For another, the cost of living in your state can ...
Do you know which township you live in? Many people don’t. But Illinois has 1,426 of them, so it’s worth paying attention to what they do. Bob Anderson is. The former McHenry Township ...
White, wealthier, and homeowning Cook County residents are more likely to vote on ballot questions that raise taxes, a new analysis found.