Today we're looking deeper into this natural phenomenon and in the process discovered the huge importance fossils like these played in the creation of geology as a distinct scientific field.
Imprints are left when an organism is pressed into soft sediment ... If an external mold later fills with sediment or minerals, it can form a cast. Trace fossils are other kinds of evidence that an ...
“After many days of digging, one team member found a stone with a particular imprint on it, and it was a fossil tadpole!” Although adult frog fossils are difficult to find, tadpoles are even harde ...
Then, he spotted an odd purple imprint that looked like the toe of a prehistoric footprint. Thompson, a guide for the tour company Wight Coast Fossils, got to work uncovering his find, revealing a ...
Other fossilised signs of a plant or animal are called trace fossils. Dinosaur trace fossils include footprints, imprints of their skin or feathers, and poo - called coprolites. Do all living things ...