Logo van 750 jaar Oud Gastel En is iedereen dan goed voorbereid? Nou, Amber van Hal en Stef Buckens zagen er vooral tegenop. Toen ze zich inschreven, dachten ze vooral dat het leuk was om mee te ...
Daarom moet de postdienst werkzaamheden gaan centraliseren. Mee naar Oud-Gastel De werkzaamheden van Goes worden overgeheveld naar Oud-Gastel. Op die plaats is ook plek voor alle medewerkers van Goes.
In a report released on March 13, Conor O’Shea from Kepler Capital maintained a Buy rating on Informa (INF – Research Report), with a price target of p970.00. The company’s shares closed ...
Business information giant Informa grew revenue by 11.4% to £3.6bn in 2024 helped by a booming B2B events business. Adjusted operating profit (excluding certain exceptional costs) grew by 23% on ...
Workers at Newton-based Informa TechTarget are the latest batch of employees expected to return to the office this year. The policy turnaround occurred only a few months after TechTarget merged ...
Informa PLC, the public international B2B events, digital services, and academic markets group, delivered strong financial results for 2024, reporting double-digit revenue and profit growth, along ...
As you know, we’re great believers in face-to-face meetings at Informa. So it’s great to see some people in the room. We’ve also got a few hundred people on the live stream. So for those of ...
New Dubai-based joint venture set to yield exponential growth opportunities for their combined portfolio of market-leading Business Events Dubai World Trade Centre and Informa Group, today ...
Op 5 maart jl. is oud-senator Friso Meeter op 89-jarige leeftijd overleden. Meeter was van 11 maart 1997 tot 8 juni 1999 lid van de Eerste Kamer. In de senaat hield hij zich namens de PvdA-fractie ...
Investing.com -- Shares of Informa (LSE:LON:INF) fell by 1.5% today, despite the company reporting robust financial results for fiscal year 2024. The global information services group announced ...
In a report released on March 6, Conor O’Shea from Kepler Capital maintained a Buy rating on Informa (INF – Research Report), with a price target of p1,050.00. The company’s shares closed ...