Hiroshi Sueyoshi’s presence has helped shape the Wilmington art community, where he served as a friend and mentor to ...
The Saratoga Arts Clay Center’s new exhibition explores the relationship between maker, material, nature and place.
Clay: A Human History,” by Jennifer Lucy Allan, is a collection of fascinating fragments, from ancient myths to music made in porcelain bowls.
Wilmington artist Hiroshi Sueyoshi, whose soulful sculptures and sublime ceramic pieces made him revered on the Port City's ...
Without being able to get into the heads of animals, it’s hard to say for sure. But instances of pig painters, whale crooners ...
If you are familiar with the image of Godzilla protecting the earth, then in another universe, precisely in Japan, Godzilla is portrayed as the opposite: "Disaster, destruction, death, nuclear." , ...
The new skills with The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies Expansion Pack are Pottery and Tattooing, so here's how your Sims can ...
The Kimball Art Center ’s new exhibit “Traces” is inspired by the National Council of Education for the Ceramic Arts ...
Archaeologists uncover an 8,400-year-old human figurine in Azerbaijan’s Damjili Cave, shedding new light on Mesolithic art ...
Thousands of people are expected to attend BarrowFull's Festival of Colours this weekend. The event is set to take place on Saturday, March 22, in and around Barrow Town Hall, as well as at the Forum.
A team led by a member of Tokyo Metropolitan University have made advances in the search for dark matter, observing galaxies using new spectrographic technology and the Magellan Clay Telescope. With a ...