— Gone from Cabinet: Gender balance, along with ministries dedicated to diversity, women, official languages, mental health and more. DARREN FISHER and RUBY SAHOTA, just recently appointed to Cabinet, ...
Queens is a borough of political dynasties: the Weprins, the Vallones, the Hevesis, the Addabbos, the Pheffers, the Crowleys, ...
The person you just spent $2 billion on trying to elect? I’m glad she’s having a good time going to a musical, and being ...
Kamala Harris has a list of specifications that she wanted her interviewers to ensure during her campaigning and one of those ...
Being vice president of the U.S. is difficult, but a food-related rule likely makes it harder. Kamala Harris shared the scoop ...
A surprising alleged requirement made by former Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign has been revealed.