In imitation of Christ we entrust ourselves into the hands of Mary in order to take full advantage of the maternal role the Father has given her in our lives. Through the Rosary, Mary cooperates ...
Praying the Rosary is certainly a spiritual aid in finding ... seen through the heart of Mary, who was closest to the Lord Jesus. Indeed, the main feature of the Rosary is contemplation, without ...
The pope’s words emphasized his humility and belief that simple acts of devotion could unite the church. His illness has made ...
“And two great saints were, we could say, the inventors of the rosary. The first is Saint Dominic and the second is Saint ...
While Colin has his strengths and weaknesses in faith formation, we take the challenges one rosary at a time, beginning with ...
The rosary's structure consists of reciting an "Our Father" followed by ten "Hail Mary" prayers, repeated five times, with each "decade" dedicated to a mystery from the lives of Jesus and Mary.
The St. Michael’s Youth Rosary group meets during the school year at the Pope Francis Parish Center at 345 43rd Street, ...
The community gathered Tuesday evening at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church on Tucson's Southside for a rosary for the ...
led Thursday night’s Rosary. “We gather in prayer for the health of the Holy Father Francis with Mary, Mother of the Church and of Good Counsel,” he said in his opening prayer.