In 2024, the hottest year in recorded history, sea levels rose at a rate 35% more than expected, according to a new report ...
Scientists found that sea levels rose rapidly 11,700 years ago due to melting ice sheets and sudden lake drainage.
Thanks to unusual ocean warming and increased meltwater from land-based ice, sea level rose nearly one-quarter of an inch in ...
More precise maps created using data from the SWOT mission can enhance underwater navigation and provide deeper insights into ...
Last week, the BAS released Bedmap3, "the most detailed map yet" of Antarctica's landscape beneath its blanket of ice, a ...
Never seen, perhaps, but that doesn't mean forever to remain unknown. For years, the British Antarctic Survey has been flying ...
The British Antarctic Survey has revealed a new map showing what Antarctica looks like under the several thousands of meters ...
At the top of the world, there is a sea—the remains of one, at least. The summit rocks of Mount Everest, the highest ...
More accurate maps based on data from the SWOT mission can improve underwater navigation and result in greater knowledge of how heat and life move around the world's oceans.
The place thought to have had the thickest overlying ice was Astrolabe Basin, in Adélie Land, but a reinterpretation of data ...
In this week’s Science for All newsletter, Priyali Prakash explains what is Bedmap3, the most comprehensive map yet of the ...
Why is urban heat island relevant to the UPSC exam? What is the significance of topics such as the global navigation satellite system, Houthis, and sonic weapon on both the preliminary and main exams?