“Even a 5% improvement in irrigation efficiency can translate into thousands of gallons of water saved per pivot each season, ...
With declining Ogallala Aquifer levels and rising input costs, efficient irrigation is more critical than ever for Kansas farmers. Since 1989, irrigated acres in western Kansas have dropped by ...
Industrial agriculture on the Great Plains began in the 1950s when mechanized pumps and sprinkler irrigation systems allowed trillions of gallons of water to be pulled each year from the Ogallala ...
The state’s water supply faces numerous threats. And by one estimate, the state’s municipal supply will not meet demand by ...
The 75 counties that fall within the Ogallala Aquifer are bordered in light blue ... Likewise, fresh groundwater withdrawals for irrigation have gone up 20 percent in Texas Ogallala and have gone down ...
A group of cattle feeders have come together to develop a brand-new 150,000 head beef feedlot and AD facility in the state of Nebraska.
The largest is the Ogallala Aquifer underneath the Panhandle and ... the increasing demand for water due to population growth. Irrigation holds the top spot for water use in Texas, according ...
If U.S. agriculture fails to win its leg of this AI relay, it could have the same national security consequences as if the ...