Puddles Pity Party, the golden throated clown, performed a melancholy cover ... Puddles also sang the song “Smile” in beautiful old-timey style.
If so, look no further because old-timey names are making a major comeback. By blending vintage elegance with a touch of nostalgia, these names have a unique charm that stands the test of time.
This is why she had taken the time to make these old-timey treats. As we chatted over our coffee, she asked me why they were called Matrimonial Squares. I told her that, even as a child ...
The verse below is another puzzle taken from Riddles in Rhyme, a 1927 collection of “charades old and new” by the American author (and former Harvard College dean) LeBaron Russell Briggs.
Adapting a YA slasher novel, director Eli Craig tries to pass off a lack of originality as "meta." The result is neither ...
The Booke of Merrie Riddles was the title of a short collection of lateral-thinking puzzles, written in verse, that was published in London in the 17th century. The book was a great success at the ...