Getting the perfect cup of tea starts with using the right amount of loose-leaf tea. Here's how much you should measure out ...
Khoalitea Cafe (pronounced “qua-li-tea”) was opened this month by Vietnam native Khoa Pelczar, who moved to the area two ...
That comforting hot cup of tea—or refreshing glass of iced tea on a hot summer day—could help reduce the amount of toxic metals in drinking water, according to a new paper published in the journal ACS ...
Your daily cup of tea might do more than help you relax -- it could also help remove harmful heavy metals from your dr ...
Dr. Dravid and his team tested how different types of tea — black, white, oolong, green, rooibos, herbal, loose leaf and plain old Lipton — behaved in water with varying amounts of lead.
A new study found that tea leaves naturally absorb heavy metals, filtering dangerous contaminants from drinking water.
Sugimoto Tea Co. provided a roster of tea varieties like hojicha, sencha, kukicha and matcha in powder, loose leaf, tea bags and sticks. While these varieties are popular in Japan, the company ...
Tea leaves adsorb heavy metals like lead and cadmium from water Cellulose tea bags and longer steeping times improve metal removal Regular tea consumption could reduce heavy metal exposure ...
The Evanston researchers discovered brewed black, green and other tea leaves can remove dangerous contaminants as the leaves act like a sponge.