In Lourdes, France, in 1844 a baby girl named ... Several months had passed, and after receiving communion on the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Bernadette felt an irresistible urge to return ...
Our Lady of Lourdes, Mother of Christ, you had influence with your divine son while upon earth. You have the same influence now in Heaven. Pray for us; obtain for us from your Divine Son our ...
An innovative mechanism to control the water table in the baptistery of the Church of Atlantida, an emblematic work by the ...
Cities like New York and Chicago boast some of the largest St. Patrick's Day parades, attracting thousands of revelers and p ...
Exclusive: GSOC has confirmed to the Irish Mirror that an investigation into the death of Niall MacEneaney, 42, who was ...
Patrick Kielty has suffered a devastating loss after the passing of his beloved mother, who died shortly after he presented ...
A man carried out a "campaign" of burglaries targeting dozens of churches across south Wales, a court has heard. Raymond ...
Patrick Kielty is mourning the loss of his mother, Mary Kielty, who passed away peacefully at home in Dundrum, Co Down, ...
The news that Mary Kielty has sadly passed away was confirmed just hours after Patrick hosted the Late Late Show yesterday ...
Patrick Kielty was pictured carrying his mother's coffin alongside his brothers John and Cahal at the Church of the Sacred ...
Mary Kielty, who was aged in her 80s, passed away peacefully at her home in Dundrum, Co Down today. Her funeral is due to ...
The Basilica in Lourdes, France, one of the most popular sites of pilgrimage in Europe, is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, the origin of the images of Mary holding the rosary. It’s long been a ...