Our Lady of Lourdes, as you looked down with love and mercy upon Bernadette as she prayed her rosary in the grotto ... favor on the grace we seek in this novena. (State your intention) O Brilliant ...
Lifting up her eyes, she saw a lady of great beauty, dressed in a pure white robe with a blue sash, a veil over her head, a rosary clasped ... on the feast of Our Lady of Mt.
The Rev. John S. Terry, pastor of Our Lady of Hope Parish, 40 Park Ave. in Wilkes-Barre, will celebrate 50 years since his ordination to the priesthood on Sunday, May 4, with a Mass of Thanksgiving at ...
The St. Michael’s Youth Rosary group meets during the school year at the Pope Francis Parish Center at 345 43rd Street, ...
The Graan - the Passionist monastery outside Enniskillen - will be hosting its annual Novena of Hope from Saturday. Speakers ...
From Hollywood to capturing hearts for Christ, the postulator of Sister Clare Crockett's cause shares intimate details about ...
The Sorrowful Mysteries are a series of five events in the Passion of Christ that are meditated upon in the Rosary. These mysteries are traditionally prayed on Tuesdays, Fridays, and ...